Passware Kit Standard 2024.4
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266 MB

Passware Kit Standard 2024.4

Recovers password of MS Office, archives, PDF, and other types of files
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Trusted Download
266 MB

As useful as they undeniably are, passwords can also become quite a nuisance when they're lost or forgotten. Passware Kit Standard is a powerful and comprehensive application that helps you recover lost or forgotten passwords for various applications, files and services. This tool can recover passwords for web browsers, messengers, mailing apps like MS Outlook, network connections, PDF documents, Word files, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Access databases, archives, and many other more. More than 80 file types are supported. Passware Kit Standard even includes a fast yet powerful search engine that will help you find password protected files.

Passware Kit Standard also impresses with its efficiency, as it uses powerful password retrieving algorithms including dictionary-based attacks, brute-force attacks, but also lesser known ones like Xieve (Xieve increases the Brute-force attack speed by skipping password checks of nonsensical combinations of characters), or other various combinations.

Another cool thing about this handy program is the fact that it also allows administrators to reset passwords for entire Windows systems by simply creating a Windows password reset CD image or USB device.

Last but not least, a common issue of any password recovery tool, the low speed of the recovery and the long time that it may take to retrieve especially intricate passwords, is partially solved by Passware Kit Standard through the use of hardware acceleration. In other words, Passware Kit Standard is also faster than other similar tools. more

MS Senior editor
Margie Smeer
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Good recovery speed
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Supports a lot of files and apps for having their passwords recovered


  • A bit pricey


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